Conventus provides business purpose financing for the purchase, renovation and rental of single and multi-family residential real estate. Our mission is to quickly understand your unique story. We provide personalized service and transparent financing at highly competitive rates with no hidden fees. We pride ourselves on presenting customized lending products to meet your individual needs in a time-sensitive fashion. We offer the flexibility to borrow against a single property to multiple investment properties, from single family detached homes, condos, and townhomes to multi-family apartment buildings of all sizes. Conventus currently lends in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho (Broker required for 1-4u), Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (MLO required for 1-4u), Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada (MF/Commercial only), New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon (Brokers Only), Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah (MLO required for 1-4u), Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming, but we are constantly expanding our geographic footprint. (60DBO-43745 CFL Licensed Lender) We want to hear and help you create your story and vision. Contact us today and see why we’re the lender of choice for professional investor/developers. Email: Telephone: 415-923-8069 Website: