Salary Finance and Neyber have joined forces and come together under our common social purpose to help employees around the world become financially healthier and happier. Together, we are able to better serve our client community of 500+ employer partners by providing them with the broadest suite of employee financial wellbeing benefits available in the market today. Moreover, we have pooled our extensive thought leadership research (based on empirical data from 50,000+ workers across sectors collected over the past four years) in order to provide our client community with the most relevant and granular insights related to the specific financial wellbeing needs of their unique workforces.Our comprehensive benefits offering currently reaches over 3 million employees, helping them get on top of their finances by learning positive financial habits, advancing earned pay to meet unexpected expenses, borrowing responsibly and saving simply.We understand the profound impact personal finances have on our health, our happiness and our home as well as work life. By partnering with employers, both Salary Finance and Neyber provide access to the markest's broadest suite of employee financial wellbeing benefits - a portfolio of award-winning benefits that can help your employees reduce their stress, improve their productivity and be happier and more engaged thanks to taking back control of their finances. Neyber is part of the Salary Finance family. Salary Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference Number: 758053) and is registered as a small payment institution money remittance (Firm Reference Number: 788485). Salary Finance is registered in England & Wales (Company Number 09677777; Data Protection Registration: ZA152606) and the United States (NMLS #1750487). All rights reserved.