Vision: To be regional concerning implementation of new information technologies.Mission: Generate solutions (products and services) based on advanced computer technology.We are a Systems Consultant Study years specializing in software development. That profile has allowed us to gain experience in several areas, and also ensures our ability to adapt and understand different problems, without this becomes a barrier.To define a bit our scope, we must begin by saying that the features of our service are extremely flexible and can start with the initial assessment and the first feasibility studies (or feasibility) to the implementation and maintenance of the resulting application, through different stages, call these planning, analysis and design, project management, development and implementation, either with their own resources or providing the necessary personnel to carry out the same.The company has its own infrastructure for the development of systems consisting of a stable roster of professionals with the proper equipment and technological edilicio to face different kinds of developments.The entire campus receives on a regular basis and update training through courses and seminars.