Service, unique merchandise and quality has been the tale of two brothers dreaming big in a small city. Love for fashion and acquired skills and expertise over the years has made the group a major player in the retail and fashion industry in Kosovo.Established in 1995 with a small shop and big dreams were the first steps toward becoming the major premium reseller in the region. After several years, in 2001 the company signed its first agreement with the major fashion brand, Diesel, to become the first authorized seller in Kosovo. In 2007 the company reached another agreement with G-Star that became the first SiS concept for the company. 2009 was the year when the company expanded the portfolio with Selected, Scotch&Soda, and Camper.In 2010 the company decided to have some diversity on its portfolio by adding a kids brand NAME IT. In the following years, the company expanded even more by adding Hugo Boss, Jack and Jones, Vero Moda and Only and Sons to their portfolio.In 2015 there were two major changes in the company, Diesel approved SiS concept and Selected as well. By now the company has established itself as a trusted company with a great reputation and continues to expand and conquer further.Partnership list:DIESELG-STARHUGOBOSSJOOPKARL LAGERFELDSCOTCH & SODAHOGANSELECTEDSUPERDRYCAMPERSHINEONLYNAME IT