Executive Member at MYEA - Myanmar Young Entrepreneurs Association - Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar (Burma)
In 2008, there was an initiative form the ASEAN China Young Entrepreneurs Forum to represent Young Entrepreneurs Organization. Due to this, under the guidance and support of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Myanmar Young Entrepreneurs Group was formed in November 2009.The Group participated actively in local and regional entrepreneurship development events and grew rapidly. In June 29, 2012, the Group was upgraded and became the Myanmar Young Entrepreneurs Association. The association is one of the founding members of the ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Council and it was recognized by the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar as the Lead Association that will represent Myanmar in the Council. This cemented the association not only as a local but regional player in the entrepreneurship development space.The main objective of the association is to empower young entrepreneurs and assist in creating a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem in Myanmar. As of today, MYEA has organized and participated in numerous events and activities with a variety of organisations both locally as well as internationally. Our impressive young entrepreneurs covering all sectors of the industry, with diverse abilities and expertise. We are passionate about the growth and development of entrepreneurship in Myanmar and have a culture of a Community of Friends. We stand ready to cooperate with others in the pursuit of growth and development in Myanmar and the region.Our ActivitiesMember DaysSeminar and WorkshopsEntrepreneurship Development CaravansCertified Entrepreneurship Capacity Building ProgramsEntrepreneurship Assistance NetworksEntrepreneurs Network PartyOur Special ProjectsAnnual Entrepreneurship Summit and AwardsIncubator/Mentorship NetworkTigers@Mekong Entrepreneurship Boom CampRISE Camp for Business Plan DevelopmentAngel Investment NetworkSocial Entrepreneurship Forum