Established in 2010, Marvel Media was brought to life by passionate and enthusiastic entrepreneurs in "The Pearl Of The Orient"- Penang. Started off with a humble beginning in the domestic Malaysian market, the company has now expanded to different parts of the world, spreading wings into South East Asia, Middle East, Europe, Latin America and Africa. As a reliable Digital Content Provider that offers products and services with consistent quality, Marvel Media has garnered the confidence and trust from telecommunication companies in over 45 countries. The list continues to grow as the company is still driving its business network to more parts of the world. Marvel Media represents the interest of Mobile Operators worldwide, by providing digital entertainment solutions to meet the user demand. The company hold strongly to the mission to enhance people's lifestyle with superior quality of digital infotainment and mobile services at anywhere, anytime. The founders realized the importance of providing more than merely technical solutions but on-going innovation and adaptation to remain leader in the industry. With mobile industry transforming rapidly, Marvel Media constantly stay informed of to the market trends and demands.