Public Relations Communications Officer at BPJS Kesehatan - Cornell, IL, US
Insurance Collector
Contact Fenty Prasasti
Staff P3 RS
Contact Nabilla Dherindri
Backline Relation Officer (BRO)
Contact Amalia Hataul
Staf Penagihan dan Keuangan
Contact Sofy Sefrani
Backline Relation Officer
Contact Elsa Andini
Office Staff
Contact Youanitha Vatma
Staff Kepesertaan dan Pelayanan Peserta
Contact Erika Dewi
BPJS Kesehatan, which stands for ‘Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan' or Social Health Insurance Administration Body, is an authorized government body that was established to provide health insurance program for Indonesian people.