YAZŌ, is a studio specialized in visual & creative, which provides graphic design, photography, video production and new media art solutions for brands. Founded in 2016, with offices in New York and Shanghai, YAZŌ is running by a group of multi-cultural creators with great ideas and excellent execution. We have served top-tier brands including Coca Cola, Apple, Google, L'Oreal Paris, Victoria's Secret, AUX and Lion, etc; We represent over 500 artists and creators all around the world, and provide production services in over 15 countries. 夜象,是一家专注于视觉内容的独立创意机构,提供包含设计,摄影,影像及新媒体艺术在内的多维度视觉内容解决方案。2016年创立于纽约,现于上海及纽约设有分部,拥有年轻,多元背景的核心团队,兼具强大的创造力及执行力。至今服务过包括可口可乐,苹果,谷歌,巴黎欧莱雅,维多利亚的秘密,奥克斯,狮王等在内的众多一线品牌;拥有超过500位海内外艺术家及创作者资源;提供超过15个国家的制作服务。