Medical Technology Consulting (MTC) offers services to healthcareorganizations that are acquiring or planning to acquire new medical imaging equipment and associated information systems. Medical imaging equipment covers all of the modalities for both radiology and cardiology applications: Xray; nuclear medicine; ultrasound; CT; and MRI. Information systems include: cardiology imaging networks, hemodynamic monitoring systems,ECG storage and distribution systems, cardiology information and reporting systems; and radiology PACS.MTC takes a system wide approach to your projects. I not only investigatethe equipment being purchased, but I also analyze how the new equipmentfits into the clinical workflow and interfaces to the rest of the hospitalsystems, existing and planned.A complete range of services are provided from strategic planning toimplementation, including project management if required. MTC facilitates aprocess that allows the stakeholders to make an informed decision inselecting the technology and vendor that best satisfies their objectives.Each step of the process is documented and reviewed to obtain input andconsensus of all involved. The specific process is adjusted to match theneeds of the individual institution and project.