IT is the fast growing industry as of now and it has no signs of slowing down any time soon. In fact it will be no exaggeration if we say everything will be ran by IT in the near future.Everyday there are tons of IT technologies pouring in.Talking about ITians everyday they deal with at least 2-5 technologies, say in their work, studies, etc. and when they get stuck, confuse or want to learn or improve their knowledge, they start searching for it over the internet, many a times they spend more time in searching and less in actual work.We believe like we need social platform to share our daily social activities, same IT is a community and it divided in sub communities by it's technologies, we need totally a single platform where we IT people will be mingle with IT technologies and share, work, learn, earn and can collaborate our daily IT activities, which will be fun, easy and engaging. When we all work together new opportunities will arise.