Manager( Mkt & Sales) at Asian Town Development Ltd. - Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
Secured Housing is a birth right of every human being as well as a fundamental right. Asian Town Development Ltd. a dynamic and realistic name emerged in 2011. Asian Town Development Ltd. with different commitment by applying update strategies of modern concept and healthy living. Combining practicality with functional and aesthetic qualities, the contemporary styled Asian Town Development Ltd. is a unique Satellite town planned around a serene neighborhood of capital Dhaka. It promises tranquility, security and accessibility, a place where community living is enhanced by lush green spaces tastefully decorated by invigorating pedestrian walkways and smooth thoroughfares. For those who demand the ultimate in waterfront living, Asian Town Development Ltd. offers the very best. A perfect place to live with expansive water views of the river Sitalakhya and the lavish landscaped greenery surrounding the development where the dwellers will enjoy the serenity of nature. We are only 3km away from the Rajuk Purbachal New Town Project location at the 300 feet wide Dhaka By pass and 180 feet wide Dhaka Sylhet Highway.The name of this project is 'Pubachal Asian Town'.Asian Duplex House is located at Purbachal Asian Town Project. Our second Land project 'Shanti Nibash' is around 15km away from Babupura Bridge(near Mitford Hospital,Dhaka) just beside the Dhaka-Mawa Highway. Asian Town Development Ltd. is managed by a team of qualified and competent Architects, Engineers and Technicians for smooth and timely completion, planned on the doctrine of an independent self sufficient satellite town.