Born through entrepreneurial spirit and insight Meditrader was designed to be a platform for the medical and dental profession to advertise, profile, buy and sell practices, new and used equipment and consumables. Medical and Dental professionals are able to advertise jobs and seek employment through our free classifieds. Business partners are also able to advertise their services, products and specialties through advertising banners. Meditrader also provides an up to date directory of all our medical and dental partners that have profiled their practices and services in our Practice Profile Directory. The general public would be able to access and search this directory and accurately locate practices and services according to their specific needs within preferred geographical areas.Practice profiling gives all medical and dental practitioners the opportunity to profile their practices to the general public. In this way practitioners could invite the general public to see what their practices have to offer. For example a dentist would be able to list all aspects of dentistry that they offer. Specialists or practices offering endodontics, periodontics or orthodontics would be able to list these specialties'. This would enable the general public to shop for the specific services that they require within certain geographic areas. Through profiling practitioners would further be able to inform the general public which medical aids they work for and fee structures. Google maps has also be included to direct the interested persons to the practice in question. The target market of this site includes all medical suppliers and medical specialties as well as the general public. We also offer the opportunity to advertise and search for employment in all relevant categories.