Utokens is the most powerful digital currency in the world. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and UTokens is that BitCoins have no management/virtual jurisdiction, no supporting business development, and no operating items. Utokens has a main office, management, and global offices around the world. It also has supporting business developments and operating items such as real estate, gold, and more. Utokens is committed to grow its reserve ratio. For every Utoken issued to the market 22% of the value will be reserved by Utoken as liquidity to form reserve and comply to the BASEL guidelines. Utoken reserve is deposited into a fiduciary bank who manages Utoken trust accounts where it is fully insured, creating safe record keeping which will allow for credit evaluation.For Utoken purchase information please e-mail to social@utokenusa.com or subscribe to www.utokenusa.com for more information.