Light Thief Productions is a registered MBE based in Philadlephia with expertise in providing production services for the technical, creative, and equipment needs of business clients in the theatrical, live event, photography, film, advertising, video, and commercial production arenas. Founded by James Jackson, Light Thief networks together the best of the best to fulfill all key roles in any creative production environment. The founder uses his over twenty-five years of leadership experience in the creative professional fields of multimedia publishing, photography, theatrical design, and film work along with the network of contacts and collaborators he has developed over that time period, to assemble light weight, efficient, and responsive teams to complete creative projects.Digital, hybrid, and in person meetings, conferences, and events are a large portion of our work. If you're trying to communicate with anyone on any level, we help you do that in a professional and innovative manner.As an example of the range of projects we've completed recently, we were the primary design and installation sub-contractor for the exterior lighting of the Lyric Theatre installation of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for which we designed and installed a flexible LED architectural system and provide continued maintenance and break/fix support. An example of a small project recently completed was the production and broadcast of the Philly People's Budget May Day Action during which we sent remote camera operators and a reporter embedded with activists from over 17 non-profit organizations as they executed a protest action in the City of Philadelphia on May 1st… we documented and broadcast the action on their behalf on social media distributing their content to over 2500 additional viewers. Another recent project saw Light Thief being the principal company responsible for producing and streaming all video content for the live 2021 US Africa Business Summit.