EPIC offers experience-based Keynotes, Group Workshops and Coaching for Non-Profit and business Leaders. EPIC is the home of EPIC Leadership xChange a dedicated peer support program for Executive Directors and senior leaders in the social impact sector. For more info on EPIC xChange go to: www.piecez.ca/xchangeTopics we specialize in:- Team Culture- Succession planning - Fundraising- Partnerships and Collaboration- Board Governance- Start Ups- Philanthropy AdvisingWe use innovative facilitation, genuine storytelling and creative engagement to help leaders create transformational change in their lives and in their organizations. I steep all of my work in my direct life experiences as a founder, CEO, artist, entrepreneur, board member, mentor, mental health advocate, lifelong learner, and human being. It's lonely at the top. Leaders can almost never speak openly about organizational challenges and personal struggle. I offer what some have called the "secret service" of support for leaders to solve their biggest challenges confidentially.Go to: www.epicleadership.ca to book your free 30-minute consultation.Subscribe at: www.piecez.ca/subscribe EPIC stands for Excellent People Impacting Communities. Good intentions do not always produce a positive impact. We need to hold each other accountable when working with vulnerably communities and push to do good, better. This is the community EPIC strives to create.