PA to the Head of Finance & Business Administration and Group Accountant at City of London Corporation - London, ENG, UK
Independant Consultant Water & Wastewater Treatment + Investment Planning
External Affairs - Strategic Relationship Management - Financial and Professional Services
The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally successful UK. You are welcome to leave reply or message us a comment via LinkedIn, but if you'd like a reply please contact us direclty via email or telephone. >>> We're working hard to... - contribute to a flourishing society - Shape outstanding environments - Support a thriving economy By strengthening the character, capacity and connections of the City, London and the UK for the benefit of people who live, learn, work and visit. We are located at Guildhall but also have offices at Mansion House, Walbrook Wharf and outside the Square Mile in relation to our green spaces and other facilities. >>> What we are responsible for Providing services for residents (and City businesses) in the Square Mile, but not those of other boroughs. Check out our Corporate Plan: