Cambridge School Srinivaspuri is a prestigious private school based out of New Delhi in India. The foundation stone of Cambridge School Srinivaspuri was laid by the former President of India, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan in 1961 and the former Prime Minister of India, Smt. Indira Gandhi inaugurated the building. With the facilities of teaching Science, Commerce, Humanities, Fashion Designing, Music, Sports and a large number of extra-curricular activities, Cambridge School gained the recognition of being one of the leading schools of Delhi. Over decades of rich experience and expertise, the school is an epitome of holistic education spreading knowledge in the pursuit of excellence along with inculcating a sound value system among the students. The School Motto ‘We Learn to Serve' echoes forever in the hearts of the staff and students alike as the school continues the founder's dream of service to education combined with service to society. Notable alumni include S Jaishankar - Foreign Minister of India, Admiral L N Ramdas - Former Chief of Naval Staff and many other reputed individuals all over the world.