BIOANALYSISAssay development, validation and implementation (HPLC-MS/MS, UV and Fluorescence) determining analytes in complex matrices (plasma, urine, tissue) during preclinical, clinical phases and discovery phase. GLP and GMP certified.QUANTIFICATION (in Plasma, Urine, Tissue)- Small Molecules (f.i. 250 fg/mL in plasma)- Peptides (up to 10 kDa)- PEG (Polyethylene glycol)- Polymers like PEI and Polyoxazolines- PolysaccharidesIDENTIFICATIONStructure Elucidation of Unknown Peaks.- Metabolite Profiling- Impurities & Degradation Products- Side & ByproductsINVESTIGATION- Bioanalytical Feasibilities (2-4 days)- Tissue Analysis- Enantioselective Separation in Plasma- Trouble ShootingBIOMARKERSDiscovery of Biomarkers in Plasma- Small Molecules- PeptidesSeveral Patents (Orphan Diseases)EQUIPMENT: LTQ Orbitrap XL (Thermo Scientific)HPLC-MS/MS QTRAP 6500 SelexION (AB Sciex)HPLC-MS/MS Xevo TQ-XS (Waters)As well as conventional detectors like ELSD.