Business Center Coordinator at CCIFM - CCI France Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Director on Board,President, Vice-president, Representative Director in France
CCIFMI's missions: - To represent and bring together the French Business Community in Malaysia and contribute to its development: Be the place where the French economic community meets to bring its wealth of experiences, exchange ideas, seek advice, services and contacts and find stimulation to grow - To provide assistance, advices and services to the French companies willing to export to or setting up in Malaysia as well as to the Malaysian companies willing to develop their activities in France - To help French Companies and Individuals present in Malaysia to grow - To be a services platform for French Companies looking forward to explore Malaysian business opportunities - To help Malaysian companies to go and/or export to France - In coordination with other French organizations (CCEF, French Trade Commission, AFM, etc…), to be the recognized French Organization for local economic contacts between France and Malaysia