Mel Falca

Vice - President at McClain Lodge - N/A, N/A, N/A

Mel Falca's Contact Details
McClain Lodge
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McClain Lodge logo, McClain Lodge contact details

McClain Lodge

N/A, N/A, N/A • 100 - 249 Employees

What is now a natural haven of nearly 2,000 acres began with a deal made from love. Buddy and Joni McClain, who had married in the Chapel, began what was to become a labor of love when they purchased the original 468-acre property. When adjoining acreage became available, they jumped at the chance to expand their domain. The added property included what is now the Guest House, which was built between 1837 and 1841. A descendant of the home once wrote that the property was spared from burning by Gen. Sherman on his infamous march through the South, though he did water his horses in the lake out front, and his men took food and other supplies. Now beautifully renovated, the Guest House offers all the amenities of home, coupled with the quaint feel of days gone by.McClain is the perfect venue to host or celebrate your most important life events. Featuring a variety of settings and overnight accommodations, McClain is ideal for weddings and receptions, corporate meetings and events, family reunions, church retreats, and so much more.

Details about McClain Lodge
Frequently Asked Questions about Mel Falca
Mel Falca currently works for McClain.
Mel Falca's role at McClain is Vice - President.
Mel Falca's email address is ***@McClain.MS. To view Mel Falca's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mel Falca works in the Hospitality industry.
Mel Falca's colleagues at McClain Lodge are McClain Tools, Tom Shook, Marty McClain, Karley Alexander, Hayden Farnam, Nate Luke, Brian McClain and others.
Mel Falca's phone number is N/A
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