Core Fit is an exclusive, high-quality, functional training studio focused on a total body approach towards health and fitness. We put the "FUN" in functional training!Core focused training is proven to be one of the most effective and efficient ways of getting the body lean, flexible, and strong. With just a few hours per week, the results are significant and sustainable.At Core Fit, we value our members' health and wellness and strive to be a part of their long term goals. Through our education and personal coaching, members create a healthy lifestyle that enables them to be more active and fit. We offer many services to achieve these goals. The most important to start with is Nutrition to learn the value of eating clean and fueling the body with the right foods. Clean eating gives the body the proper nutrients to obtain the best results during and after your health and fitness program.While learning about nutrition, we teach the fundamentals of exercise through private or semi-private personal training. Personal Training is valuable for getting results without injury.And, to provide additional variety, a selection of Small Group Classes are available to choose from. Exercising with peers keeps everyone motivated and focused while having fun.At Core Fit, YOUR health is our number one priority! We strive to provide you with the best experience in the best environment. AND, give you the individual attention you deserve.