Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Acupuncture Physician, LMT at Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc. - St. Petersburg, FL, US
Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc. was founded by Melanie Smith and Pauline Macdonald in St. Petersburg, Florida. Together their work combines a unique fusion of acupuncture, energy medicine, sound healing, oriental medicine, energy psychology, nutrition, therapeutic massage and bodywork. Together they wrote "Energy Medicine: Your Personal Health and Wellness System for Today" and developed the Energy Medicine For Healthy Living™ Charts and DVD's.Dr. Melanie teaches audiences the healing power of their body's own energy. Some of most recent energy medicine works are Harmonize The Fire™, Clearing and Manifesting Energies™, Advanced Clearing and Manifesting Energies™, Source the Flow™ and Heart-to-Heart™.