2019-20Officers:Mrs. Lasater (Parent) - ChairpersonMrs. Ramirez (Parent) - Vice Chair Erika Ramirez (student) - SecretaryLuciano Yi (student) - Parliamentarian SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL (SSC) FUNCTION:The school has an SSC to develop, monitor and evaluate Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION: THERE IS AN EVEN NUMBER OF SSC MEMBERS (minimum of 12 for secondary).This number does not include alternates. o HALF OF SSC MEMBERSHIP is school staff.o CLASSROOM TEACHERS COMPRISE the majority of school staff membership. o HALF OF the MEMBERSHIP is comprised of parents and/or community members &students. o FOR SECONDARY, there are equal numbers of parents (or other community members) & students. ELECTIONS: o SSCs were elected in the Fall or Spring, depending on bylaws. o TEACHER MEMBERS were elected by their peers. o PARENT/COMMUNITY members were elected by their peers. o STUDENT MEMBERS were elected by their peers (secondary only). TERM OF OFFICE: Each term is for 2 years (as stipulated in bylaws). If there were vacancies during the term, the school conducted an election to fill the seats or moved their previously selected alternates into the open positions. RESPONSIBILITIES: o Establish and maintain bylaws. o Maintain records (e.g. elections, official correspondence). o Establish and regularly review Parent Involvement Policy and Home-School Compact (required for Title I schools). o Develop, monitor and evaluate Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). o Get input from other advisory councils and committees. (ELAC) RECORD KEEPING:Keep and maintain a file of documents for each meeting including, meeting notices, meeting agenda, meeting minutes and sign in sheet. FOR THE SPSA: There are SSC minutes documenting that the ELAC recommendations were provided to the SSC during the process.