Educational Information Systems for the Practitioner UEIS provides formative data for periodic Decision Making that leads to new, clear and accurate understanding that facilitates adjustments and interventions at the practitioner level. While providing executives an accurate understanding of work that takes place in schools. UEIS does not use the Traditional Vendor Model developing accountability systems solely for Executive Reports. Systems are designed with the End-User in mind to manage and support practitioner needs to reduce inefficiencies and increase the speed of student achievement. THE UEIS ADVANTAGE CONSULTING FIRM MODEL UEIS Academic Research and Development Firm Model ■All Information Systems are based on scholarly research studies ■No development costs ■Future versions are based on practitioner level focus groups ■Research scholars adopt elements to refine and update Information Systems ■Systems lease less than a district utility bill ■Each information system undergoes extensive focus group testing and refinement Traditional Consulting Firm ■Solicit contracts across unrelated industries ■Charge huge development fees ■Develop and hand-off products holding district responsible ■Build information systems from scratch ■Venture Opportunists with no expertise in the field of contracting ■Use employees with no experience in Education ■Development time ranging up to two years with minimal district input and testing