We provide professional, affordable bookkeeping services, personal and payroll tax return preparation, along with QuickBooks support, training, and set up for small businesses, contractors, or individuals. We can come to your location or work remotely, and we also do outsource work for CPA firms and other small businesses.Here are some of the services we currently offer Accounting/Payroll:Data EntryClean UpAccounts ReceivableAccounts PayablePayroll Set Up and Processing Depreciation and Amortization SchedulesChart of Accounts (set up and maintenance)Bank, Credit Card, and Loan ReconciliationsInventory and Work In ProcessGeneral Ledger (set up and maintenance)Month and Year-End ClosingFinancial Statement PreparationMonthly BookkeepingTaxes:Quarterly and Annual Federal & State Payroll Filings: 941, 940, TWC, W-2s, and 1099sPayroll Tax DepositsEFTPS Set UpSales and Use Tax ReturnsProperty Tax RenditionsIFTA and 2290 ReturnsPersonal Tax Returns (1040 and Schedule C)Software ExperienceQuickBooksPeachtreeMAS90Open SystemsTraverseOracleMicrosoft Office 2007ProSeries Tax SoftwareADPPaychexPaychex Time in a BoxGold SuiteFrontline