We believe you get more of what you give out and that everyone can be happier.We are aiming high, 100,000,000 happier people across the world, and we can only do it with your help. Help us spread smiles and happiness by becoming a Thrive ambassador. All you need to do is like and share our Facebook page and invite everyone you know to do the same.It's easy - Like and Share. :)https://www.facebook.com/ThriveBeHappyThe Thrive Happiness Movement was formed out of a belief that inside every human being is the potential to create happiness in our own lives. As a natural side effect the happiness we choose for ourselves will inspire others to choose the same and on and on it will go, ultimately changing our world.Thrive exists because of all the cool people who contribute their time to making it happen.They are all part of The Sponge, a purposeful branding agency, who are responsible for the awesome branding and continuing design workOf course, a happiness movement is not a happiness movement without you. So we would love you to contribute and make it infectious!Our goal is 100,000,000 happier peeps across the globe so we need your help!Like our Facebook page and share, share, share!https://www.facebook.com/ThriveBeHappyhttp://Www.ThriveHappinessMovement.org