Melissa McMullen

Partner at Webb Zschunke Neary Dikeman LLP - Atlanta, GA, US

Melissa McMullen's Contact Details
Atlanta,Georgia,United States
Webb Zschunke Neary Dikeman LLP
Melissa McMullen's Company Details
Webb Zschunke Neary Dikeman LLP logo, Webb Zschunke Neary Dikeman LLP contact details

Webb Zschunke Neary Dikeman LLP

Atlanta, GA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Our team combines over 85 years of litigation experience with diverse backgrounds in both defense and plaintiff's work. We work together, across different practice specialties, to offer a unique roadmap toward resolution. Although WZND was formed by attorneys with large firm expertise, we've purposely kept our group small. This allows us to easily adjust to our clients'​ needs and understand their goals from a personal level.Don't be surprised if you get to know several of the attorneys at WZND, as we encourage a community effort within our office to achieving our clients'​ goals. We take pride in our own unique perspectives and our ability to develop creative solutions. Our common goal is to always apply our experience, personalities, energy and talent to achieve the highest satisfaction for our clients.

Personal Injury Insurance Transportation Litigation Legal/Attorney Legal Services Law Practice
Details about Webb Zschunke Neary Dikeman LLP
Frequently Asked Questions about Melissa McMullen
Melissa McMullen currently works for WEBB, ZSCHUNKE, NEARY, DIKEMAN, LLP.
Melissa McMullen's role at WEBB, ZSCHUNKE, NEARY, DIKEMAN, LLP is Partner.
Melissa McMullen's email address is *** To view Melissa McMullen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Melissa McMullen works in the Law Practice industry.
Melissa McMullen's colleagues at Webb Zschunke Neary Dikeman LLP are Marvin Dikeman, Brian Neary, William Zschunke, Andrei Ionescu, Robert Winters, Allison Brown and others.
Melissa McMullen's phone number is 404-264-1080
See more information about Melissa McMullen