Director of International Training on Violence Against Women at Global Rights for Women - Minneapolis, MN, US
VisionGlobal Rights for Women envisions a world where women's human rights to equality and freedom from oppression and violence are fully realized. MissionGlobal Rights for Women works collaboratively with partners around the world to bring about legal reform that is the bedrock of communities where women can be safe, equal and free from oppression.What We Do• We influence law, policy and practice on women's human rights and violence against women and girls through speaking, writing, training and other outreach.• We establish partnerships locally and internationally with NGO's, academic institutions, government agencies and intergovernmental organizations that share our goals. • We respond to specific requests from partners around the world for information, research and consultation where reforms on women's human rights and violence against women are new.• We develop sustainable training initiatives on violence against women for legal professionals, including judges, prosecutors, police and lawyers. The general goal of these trainings is to increase the capacity of participants to respond effectively to cases of violence against women, prioritizing victim safety and offender accountability. • We monitor the implementation of law, policy and practice on violence against women.