Unity Specialised Services (USS) is a motor vehicle and truck claim handling and allocation business "unlike" any other and operates Australia and New Zealand wide. USS provides the complete range of services an insurer or fleet needs if an insured, third party or fleet vehicle is involved in an accident. "Unlike", because when USS manages a claim for an insurer or fleet, USS is the ONLY claims handling business that has visibility into, and can allocate directly into one of nearly 200 Unity Preferred Repairers motor vehicle and truck repairers around Australia and New Zealand. USS also allocates into its own network of repairers in regional areas providing a truly national service. USS provides customers access to mobility solutions that are genuinely industry leading. Motor vehicles and trucks are delivered to a repairer or the customers home coinciding with when they need the repair. If a customer doesn’t want to drop their car off, USS’s MoveIt service will pick it up and deliver it to site and drop it back to the customer when repairs are complete. USS also provides an end to end assessing service. Our point of difference is we are not content to tinker around the edges. We actively reduce the average cost of repairs for insurers and fleets. Because we actively manage claims we reduce repair cycle time. Less time off the road means money saved too in related services. And we’re definitely not credit hire. We always operate under delegated authorities for our work providers. Other services:- • MoveIt (Vehicle Collection and Delivery Services) • Safe2Start (Hazards Management Solutions for insurers and motor vehicle repairers) • Overflow claims handling • Tows • Roadside service provision after an accident • PDR services We provide an exceptional experience to our customer’s customer and we make our work providers more competitive in the market place. We're ethical, transparent and honest, insurer and fleet focused first and foremost.