MELODIE DIAMOND & DESIGN We've all heard the term "Diamond in the Rough" and many of us have perhaps even found one in some form or other in our lives, be it a true gemstone or something less tangible like love – but to find a diamond in the rough when you want one on the spot, now that's not exactly easy. This is where I come in. A true connoisseur of the highest echelon, you can trust that every glittering carat I offer is coveted by the top, selected only from the best, and for the best – of course, that's you! SO WHO AM I? Graduate Gemologist CIG, GIA with a signature of warm, sincere, and integrity-filled service, my name is Melodie Paul Smith, and I'm here to rock your entire world! Pun intended. After honing my craft in the diamond industry for 23 years, working along side some of the biggest players in the industry including Sirius Diamonds, BHP Biliton, and MID House of Diamonds, the time has come to embark on a journey of my own – one with as many facets as the diamonds I have come to intimately know and love over the two dozen years I have celebrated them. Building upon all of the wonderful things I've learned from my past experiences, now with complete control over the environment I create and service I provide, I offer an exclusive and intimate experience with Melodie Diamond & Design. If you're intimidated by all of the selection, science and sparkle, I say breathe easy, my friend; I'm here to help. I thrive on the experience of bringing a diamond vision to life, and we'll work together in close partnership throughout the entire process to ensure what you're dreaming becomes reality. Whether you want to restore or refresh an heirloom piece, or design something incredible completely from scratch, I understand that this is more than just jewelry; this is a journey.