New Perspectives is an award winning theatre company founded in 1991 as a multi-racial ensemble dedicated to using theatre as an agent for positive social change. Our mission is to: 1 ) develop and present new plays and playwrights, particularly women and people of color 2 ) present classic plays in a style that sheds new light on our lives and work3 ) present theatre to under-served audiences-especially young people and communities in need--to build life skills and promote participation in our society. Artistically, we are interested in returning theatre to its ancient role of gathering the community to examine social, political and spiritual issues that affect us as individuals and as a whole. Our emphasis on multi-racial casting and the development of new works by women and writers of color is an attempt to bring to that examination a range of voices that reflect the true diversity of contemporary America. What We Do:1 ) We develop and present new plays and playwrights, particularly women and people of color. 2 ) We present classic or previously-produced plays in a style that speaks to issues confronting contemporary American audiences.3 ) We use the tools of the theatrical trade to help young people develop the communication, observation and literacy skills necessary for healthy development and to help educators improve and extend students' learning experiences.4 ) We work to foster positive interaction between people of different backgrounds, and offer alternative examples that focus on our commonality instead of our differences.5 ) We are a vital community resource, serving people who are discouraged from attending traditional theatre by price and subject matter, and providing resources and support to educators and community service providers in improving the lives of their constituents.