My Good Gut is an online resource to help you learn about how your body works and provide actionable advice on how to improve your digestive health with diet and lifestyle changes.Our gut health is extremely important for our overall health.The truth is that your gut health can affect every aspect of your life. A healthy gut can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and even fight off colds! But what if your gut isn't as healthy as it could be?Most people don't know that there are trillions of bacteria living in our digestive tract, and most of them help us digest food, fight disease-causing germs, and regulate the immune system.But sometimes things go wrong with this delicate ecosystem. When it does we can develop a wide range of problems from bloating to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), chronic fatigue, or even skin conditions like acne or psoriasis.We provide information on how to deal with some common symptoms associated with poor gut health including constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and heartburn.My Good Gut is here to help you improve your gut health and keep your stomach happy.