fonoaudiologa especialista seguridad y salud en el trabajo
We're service communication experts – using a mix of science, creativity and service know-how to improve how you talk with your customers through all channels and media — from webchat, social media and online answers for FAQs to SMS, letters and the phone.We put ourselves in your customers' shoes, audit your current communications and compare you with your competitors. We find out what's working and what's not — then we suggest what needs to change and recommend how to do it.DIGITALWebchat / Online FAQs / Social Media / Email / SMS / Chatbots / App / Video / PodcastsPRINTLetters / Bills / Direct Mail / GuidesADVISORScripts & templates / Knowledge management / Spoken tone of voicePHONECallflow design / Scripting / Queue / Music / Voice