Menekse Benli

muhasebe at Turk Tuborg - Fatih, Istanbul, Turkiye

Menekse Benli's Colleagues at Turk Tuborg
Tarik Elmas

Bölgeler Müdürü

Contact Tarik Elmas

Didem Avcu

Bira Proses Operatörü

Contact Didem Avcu

Basri Uslu

Proses Operatörü

Contact Basri Uslu

Gulden Tufekcioglu

Tuborg Akademi Training and Development Specialist

Contact Gulden Tufekcioglu

Elcin Ozek

Sales Representative

Contact Elcin Ozek

View All Menekse Benli's Colleagues
Menekse Benli's Contact Details
Turk Tuborg
Menekse Benli's Company Details
Turk Tuborg logo, Turk Tuborg contact details

Turk Tuborg

Fatih, Istanbul, Turkiye • 1001 - 5000 Employees
Food & Beverages

With a striking history in all categories of the Turkish beer sector and a close relationship with Carlsberg from more than 15 years, Türk Tuborg is one of the largest players of the Turkish beer sector thanks to its international partnerships. Türk Tuborg was founded in the Pınarbaşı neighborhood of Izmir in 1967. Since 1969, Türk Tuborg has been producing beer and malt products and handling the distribution of imported beer brands at its plant located in Izmir.With a production capacity of 36,000 tons of malt and approximately 520 million liters of beer, Türk Tuborg Brewery is one of the largest breweries in Turkey.Türk Tuborg has hosted many "firsts" in Turkey. With its quality-driven structure and dedication to traditional brewing techniques, Türk Tuborg approaches beer production not merely as a source of income, but rather as an art, one worthy of care and admiration. At the core of this belief lies a commitment to producing exemplary products, constantly improving production quality and techniques, and striving for perfection. This is all to say that for Türk Tuborg, quality is indispensable…Munich Technical University Weihenstephan Brewing and Food Quality Research Center which is an independent, unbiased and competent authority has approved and certified the quality of our products and the fact that they are produced in compliance with German Beer Purity Law.Türk Tuborg shows once more that it has adopted quality and safe beer production as its mission with the- ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, - ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System,- ISO 14001: 2004 Environmental Management System - OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systemcertificates, and- Energy management applicationsin addition to the certificate of German Beer Purity Law it holds.

Details about Turk Tuborg
Frequently Asked Questions about Menekse Benli
Menekse Benli currently works for Türk Tuborg.
Menekse Benli's role at Türk Tuborg is muhasebe.
Menekse Benli's email address is *** To view Menekse Benli's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Menekse Benli works in the Food & Beverages industry.
Menekse Benli's colleagues at Turk Tuborg are Tarik Elmas, Didem Avcu, Basri Uslu, Gulden Tufekcioglu, Serbulent Yildirim, Tolgay Senturk, Elcin Ozek and others.
Menekse Benli's phone number is ["02323992000","902324361930","902123664000","903224598034","902323992000","02323992136","902623259222","903224598034","902323992000","02323992136","933402324361963","902642766694","902323992000","902323992000","02323992000","902323992000","903124577393","902324361930","902323992000","49623260580","3727449711","4806242505"]
See more information about Menekse Benli