We all love to get a cool and beautiful gift. Our main driver is to enhant people. We create unique gifts with fabrics that could have gone to our landfills. Amazing and talented Women, our loyal seamstresses, sew our ideas in an impeccable way.We are a brand that creates meaningful gifts. Meaningful to you, to who's about to reveive our gift, and to who produced them.We hunt & gather beautiful fabrics that are obsolete and standinf sadly in warehouses beucause no one sees value in them anymore. To us, they're like jewels. Mercedes Cordeiro Drever (Meka), our Founder and Creative Director, carefully selects them, buys them and brings them back to her Creative Studio in São Paulo and creates. She creates with what she picked and with the limited quantitites that there are. Them our talented seamstresses make magic happen: they gracefully stich and sew our unique and limited creations.We reveal and potentialize our their work, not only becuase e pay the ouver 3x what the normal fashion and produxtion industry pays, but we also have a true profesional as well as affectionate relationship.Welcome to our Re, World. Whenever you put Re, i front of a word, you gift that action a new opportunity; here we are, giving fabrics a new life, via your hands!Much love and joy,Mercedes