Caring for girls with period initiative is an organisation that educates teenage girls especially the not so privileged about menstrual hygiene, self esteem, sex education and importance of education and there after distributes hygiene kits containing sanitary pads, underwear, soaps, pantyliner,education materials etc to them.The mission of this organisation is to make menstrual products accessible to the girls without stress and to help them understand how the body works.Our vision is to reach as many girls as possible in Nigeria and Africa.Since the birth of this organisation in 2018, Over 8000 girls have been reached in Nigeria and Liberia and we have also birthed new chapters in Liberia,Sierra leone, Lesotho and Cameroon. And also state chapters across Nigeria.the Organisation has also created the ROYAL DAISY which is an annual event for female students to discuss, learn,network and connect with students from other schools.The initiative is in the process of lunching the SCHOOL CLUB AND PAD BOX projects.We are open to partnerships, support , and sponsorship opportunities to help us do more.