Deputy General Manager at Granit Metal Ev Gereçleri Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş - Izmir, İzmir, Turkey
Granit Company has been manufacturing ironing boards, clothes dryers, stepladders and their accessories in 20.000 sqm closed area with two factoriesequipped with latest technology since 1960.Granit improves its quality and manufacturing capacity by investing in new machinery equipment and renewing its production line. Granit presents itsproducts to all over the world with 15.000 pieces daily production capacity. Half of the production is being exported to more than 50 countries; and therest of production is distributed to end-user through hypermarket chains,regional distributors and retailers.Granit efforts maximum energy for manufacturing of highest quality productsby raising awareness of employees with the help of trainings. We deeply focuson production capability and consider environmental factors. We provideour own electricity needs by own renewable energy systems. Therefore, wemake production according to ecologic balance and we aim to serve for cleanenvironment.Granit's priorities are quality, lead time and price and Granit uses all thesefactors for customer's benefits.