Mervyn Malamed

Owner at MALAMED - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

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Mervyn Malamed's Contact Details
Cape Town,Western Cape,8001,South Africa
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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa • 1 Employees
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Conflict is a natural part of all our relationships. Conflict is neither positive nor negative. It's neutral and can become negative.When managed skilfully, however, it can become "positive conflict" which generates opportunity.We teach, and help to make conflict positive: We make lemonade from lemons!WHO IS "WE"?"We" is me - Mervyn Malamed.I am responsible for all projects.When I'm unable to maximise value, I call on my associates, Clients are never relegated to someone else without discussion, permission and my complete involvement. I stake my reputation on my network of highly skilled professional.I work with individuals, families, and family businesses to help resolve disputes through Mediation - when all parties are willing. When that is not the case, I help people to negotiate optimal outcomes.Corporates benefit from my deep and broad understanding of the ways that mismanaged and unmanaged conflict affects performance.This happens through un-budgeted costs like:• Wasted time• High staff turnover• More sick-days• Degraded decision quality• Decaying customer service• Deteriorating Engagement Non-Profits are exactly the same. It's all about people; whether in workplaces, families, clubs, or churches.HOW DO WE BRING VALUE?BASICSPutting Out Fires• Mediation• Mediation / Arbitration Hybrids• Assisted NegotiationEstablishing Awareness • Conflict Talks• Articles• Blogs• InterviewsConducting Reviews• SWOT Analyses (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)Conflict Costs and People AssessmentsConsulting• CustomisedLONG TERMTraining - ENTRY LEVEL• Brave Discussions• Conflict ‘101'Training - ADVANCED• Managerial Mediation• Conflict CompetenceConflict management• Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)• Conflict Management Systems: Designing, Building, Tweaking, and Monitoring• Governance Solutions• Safe Space Solutions

Details about MALAMED
Frequently Asked Questions about Mervyn Malamed
Mervyn Malamed currently works for MALAMED.
Mervyn Malamed's role at MALAMED is Owner.
Mervyn Malamed's email address is *** To view Mervyn Malamed's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mervyn Malamed works in the Alternative Dispute Resolution industry.
Mervyn Malamed's colleagues at MALAMED are and others.
Mervyn Malamed's phone number is 27829008000
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