As eCommerce Growth Accountants, we are your-go-to-accounting firm for eCommerce businesses looking to scale.We believe in FREEDOM for our clients, our team, and our community. So they can live their best lives and have control over why, where, and how they spend their time.At Bean Ninjas, we'll ensure your books, financial reporting, payroll, and sales tax collection (if applicable) are always accurate and up-to-date. With hundreds of customers and numerous awards, including Xero's Bookkeeping Partner of The Year, you can spend less time worrying about your finances, cash flow, and profit margins, and more growing your business to 8 figures and beyond.Bean Ninjas material on this page has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to our advisors for specific advice.