Metal Engineers is engaged in the manufacturing of dished ends since 1982, used in various plants and machinery required for fertilizers, petro chemicals, steel manufacturing Aerospace and other process industries. Dished ends are being manufactured with various construction of materials including Alloy Cladded Steel and stainless Steel to various shapes like Semi ellipsoidal, Tori spherical, Hemisphers etc. The Range of Dished ends manufactured by cold Pressing and spinning is upto 4500 dia, 60 mm thk, Crown and Petal construction dished ends are manufactured upto 15000 dia, 73 mm thk. The product is Manufactured to meet National & International Codes under various inspection agencies – BVIS,IBR, EIL, LRIS, PDIL, TPL, BHEL etc. Metal Engineers has a full fledged quality control and assurance department consisting of competent and qualified Engineers. The In house facilities besides manufacturing includes – heat Treatment, Non – Destructive and mechanical Tests. Heat Treatment i.e. Solution annealing, normalizing, artificial ageing stress reliecing etc. Major Customers of Metal Engineers are BHEL, L& T Ltd, Nicco Corpn. HAL and other process equipment Manufacturers. The Dished ends in essential and critical component for the manufacture of plant and machinery. Consisting Of Dished end Tanks & Pressure Vessels