Co Founder, Telecommunications Company at Netvis Telecommunications Industry And Trade Limited Company - , İstanbul, Turkey
We Telecommunications Industry Brings Future of Quick's ... Turkey's Largest Telecommunications Company Turk Telekom Telecommunications Partner Netvista machine. As Netvis Telekom, with our in-office and out-of-office field teams; sales development, promotion, campaign development, campaign promotion and access to potential customers, directing, developing and managing your customer portfolio, directing the services on telecommunication that you use or will use in your company, and supporting you in these matters, in short, to provide technological support to all small, medium and large enterprises. is a long-established company established to produce solutions in the fields of telecom. Our staff is equipped with professionally trained personnel who have worked on this business for many years. Netvis Telekom, which provides communication and telecommunication solution services to the Anatolian side of Istanbul with its field sales teams and a centrally managed corporate customer support appointment network, has established a partnership with Türk Telekom, TTNet and Avea. In the telecommunication sector, it continues to work as the largest corporate solution partner by serving all three operator channels that have recently merged under Türk Telekom. Netvis Telekom, which produces corporate sales and telecommunication solutions, makes appointments to corporate companies through Call Center personnel and provides communication and infrastructure solutions to businesses. Türk Telekom Corporate Solution Center Some of the solutions Netvis Telekom produces; * Mobile Services * Mobile Phones * Tablets And Fixed Home Phones * Corporate Internet * Corporate fixed voice services * Headed Bulk SMS Services * Vehicle Tracking Systems * Fixed Telephone Service * Cloud Services * Tv Services * Camera and Security Systems *