The key to permanence in every relationship, commercial, friendship and etc, is the establishment of trust and justice. The commercial corporation of SepahanGohar Soil & Iron, using the latest industrial and constructional technologies for the mitigation of buildings by different (constructional, hygienic, ironware and etc.) materials places a priority on the increase of pace and quality of service based on its precious motto of reduction in costs. On its way to worldwide reputation and incredibility the company has arranged its aims and plans to efficiently supply materials for constructional and industrial projects. We hope, in future, by clarifying the important status of construction industry and its role in the progress and development of society for next generations, step toward success. Sepahan Gohar Soil & Iron Company declares its readiness to provide any kinds of Iranian and foreign construction materials for companies, organizations, mass builders, and contractors of industrial and constructional projects. Products: Perforated brick ( 10 holes ),Plaque Surface Brick, L-shaped, -Kongerei-Jagged, Round Edge -Angle, -Simple, -Glazed , Pressed Brick ( Resistance Wall ), Fire Brick, 3 Hole Brick, Simple Traditional Pavers, Wall Masonry Block, Ceiling Masonry Block, Ceiling Plastofoam, Sandwich Panel, Gypsum Panel, Light Weight Cement Block, Hebelex, 3D, Stone, Ceramic, Mosaic Tiles,Steel Beam, Rebar, Cement, Vermix C & G.