The times have changed and many traditional forms of marketing are no longer effective. In an age of technology, marketing campaigns require a new way of reaching customers. We have developed successful promotional campaigns that reach across multiple markets.EDGi works hand in hand with some of the biggest retailers in the world. We offer a unique experience that educates the customer-allowing them to make the best decision for them. These campaigns dramatically increase sales revenue for our clients' products and services. This means that we are experiencing consistent growth and expansion in all markets.Results are the cornerstone of our structure and the reason we are successful. Our unique approach to marketing has proven to be the best way for continued growth. Our retail marketing campaigns and management training programs are geared to deliver rapid results.Are you looking for a change of pace or proven way to advance to market management? Stop trying to fit into someone else's model. EDGi creates personal marketing campaigns and encourages team involvement. This approach adds value to the experience for the client and for us.Our program ensures that qualified individuals receive the proper development and experience- setting them up for success. Now hiring for Denver, Colorado expansion. Contact us TODAY to learn more.