Lourdes School of Mandaluyong is the result of the missionary zeal of Capuchin Franciscan friars in the Philippines who discerned that the education of the young is a viable apostolate in these islands. Arriving in the Philippines in 1886, they first settled in Intramuros and then Quezon City; it was during this latter time when the Ortigas family came under their spiritual guidance. In grateful appreciation, the Ortigas family offered the Friars assistance and facilities, thereby acquiring a three-hectare lot along Shaw Boulevard in Mandaluyong.On October 4, 1958, the solemnity of St. Francis of Assisi, a chapel was opened to the faithful. On May 1959, the cornerstone of the new building was laid by the Very Reverend Father Adolfo de Echavarri, the superior of the Capuchins in the Philippines; His Eminence Rufino J. Cardinal Santos blessed the L-Shaped structure of the combined chapel and school.Ever since its humble but graced beginnings, LSM has been tireless in its work and mission among the young, guided by a unique Capuchin Franciscan pedagogy that shapes and distinguishes the school's characteristics, activities, and identity as an institution of quality, effective, and authentic Capuchin Franciscan and Catholic education. LSM has become an educational landmark and has remained true to its ideals of Holiness, Excellence, and Service.LSM continues to journey with creativity and fidelity, brave and steadfast in our identity that is brilliantly manifest in the lives of our many graduates who are authentic witnesses to the school's vision, mission, and philosophy: that of becoming like Christ.Lourdesians, formed in character and spirit as brothers to all, embody the virtues of simplicity and humility. They are called Masters because they are masters over themselves and a masters in their skills and talents. Thus, Lourdesians of different generations are brilliant experts, trusted authorities, and prophetic witnesses in different fields all over the world.