Burn Survivors Throughout The World, Inc. also known as BSTTW, was incorporated in August 2001. In October 2001 BSTTW received the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit status.BSTTW is a multilingual international 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers a support team for burn survivors, family members and friends. We also help burn survivors find medical referrals, finances and medications. There are weekly & emergency one on one and group chats in person and on the internet for burn survivors, caretakers, doctors, family members, firefighters, friends, nurses and others involved in supporting a burn survivor or seeing a burn injury or fire. Our internet site is at https://www.burnsurvivorsttw.org., you can find an online store, educational articles, conferences, ebooks, emergency and support eforms, online conferences, pictures, stories, support articles and the BSTTW Online Community.