MYND is a digital health company disrupting global health. We are focused on physical, mental and behavioural conditions.We are building a digital health platform. We make smart digital therapies that are customer-centric, immersive, socially engaging and fun that work virtually anytime, anywhere. COVID-19 is a the largest public health emergency in a century. It is global crisis but it is also a massive opportunity. People who stay at home or work from home have access to digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs, smartwatches, and digital infrastructure such as wi-fi, fibre, streaming and 5G Internet. But they can't access digital therapies because those don't yet exist in any useful form. For our first offering, we have opted to focus on obesity, a chronic disease that affects 2.1B people, costs $2 Trillion or 2.8% of global GDP and results in 5% of total deaths worldwide. More specifically, we will be focusing on more than 800 million women affected by this epidemic.There are several problems with obesity: most programs like diets, exercise, pills and surgery don't work. Access to specialized help is an issue. There are simply not enough GPs, specialists and therapists to meet the demand. Affordability is an issue. For many people who live in poor or remote areas or even in large cities they cannot afford to pay for treatment. Education of the public at large and training of medical students or physicians and therapists is an issue. Our revolutionary solution is based on years of research by some of the world's top universities. We are building world's most immersive weight management program that uses software, coaching and social support to help people shift their mindset and behaviours to achieve longterm health goals. We are also building a solution that uses digital technologies, tele health, and virtual medicine to scale and improve healthcare delivery.