Buffalo Ridge began in 2011 with a "starter herd" of 13 buffalo on 80 acres. Over the next few years, we expanded to a 100 head operation on 300 acres. Working hand-in-hand with the Missouri Department of Conservation, we set up a rotational grazing program that allows the buffalo to have fresh grass on a regular basis while giving grazed pastures a chance to recover. All of our buffalo live on pasture and are never subjected to the stress and unsanitary conditions of a feed lot. We strongly believe in respecting the dignity of this majestic animal and refuse to reduce them to a simple commodity. Our goal is to encourage consumers to choose grass fed and finished bison as their meat source to benefit not only their family's health but to also increase demand for more producers to raise bison. When you choose Buffalo Ridge, you choose a local, family-owned business endeavoring to serve the community in a responsible and sustainable way. You share your passion for the outdoors and for protecting and preserving all who dwell in it.