Michael Brautman

Owner at The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies - Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Michael Brautman's Contact Details
(919) 846-3723
Raleigh,North Carolina,United States
The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies
Michael Brautman's Company Details
The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies logo, The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies contact details

The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States • 1 Employees

Don't spend your draft with your head buried in a computer screen and picking from the same pool of players that everyone else sees...Have a Live Draft!The Draft Kit includes a large draft board and a complete set of pre-printed player labels which are color coded by position and have alphabetical listings for all of the top players, and include the players bye week and team. When a player is selected, simply peel off his label and stick it on the draft board.

Details about The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Brautman
Michael Brautman currently works for The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies.
Michael Brautman's role at The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies is Owner.
Michael Brautman's email address is ***@draftkit.com. To view Michael Brautman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Michael Brautman works in the Sports industry.
Michael Brautman's colleagues at The Draft Kit - The Leader in Fantasy Football DraftKit Supplies are and others.
Michael Brautman's phone number is (919) 846-3723
See more information about Michael Brautman