Michael Cabra

Administrative Manager at Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Incorporated (KCFAPI) - , Metro Manila, Luzon

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Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Incorporated (KCFAPI)
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Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Incorporated (KCFAPI)

, Metro Manila, Luzon • 11 - 50 Employees

The Birth of KCFAPIThe authorization to extend the Order to the Philippines, which was approved by the Supreme Board of Directors on January 9, 1905, precluded the Knights of Columbus insurance program. Thus, in 1932, members of Manila Council 1000 organized the Assosacer de Socorros Mutuous de los Caballeros de Colon (Association of Mutual Help of the Knights of Columbus) to establish a mortuary fund system. However, since the Association was not founded on sound actuarial principles, it died a natural death in 1938.Sensitive to the needs and restricted resources of the economically underprivileged members of KC-Philippines, Rev. Fr. Willmann was moved to implement the Order's mutual benefit objectives by spearheading the organization of a local KC insurance system. The Knight of Columbus Supreme Council approved the establishment of a Philippine Fraternal Insurance through then Territorial Deputy, Rev. Fr. George J. Willmann and granted permission to use the name "Knights of Columbus". On August 1, 1958, the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. was incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Then, on September 9, 1958, KC Fraternal was duly licensed by the Insurance Commission to operate as an insurance system for the exclusive protection of the members of the Knights of Columbus and their immediate family members. Its initial capital of P32,000.00 represented the total contributions of sixty-four Filipino Knights and Councils who donated P500.00 each.In its basic aspect, KC Fraternal was created to conform with other insurance companies. It was founded upon scientific and actuarial principles, and governed by the licensing and supervisory rules of the Insurance Commission. On the basis of its objectives, however, KC Fraternal was recognized as a Mutual Benefit Association with the following distinctions, (a) it is non-stock and non-profit (b) it caters exclusively to KC Members and their families and all of its insured members participates in the divisible surplus of the Association.KC Fraternal made its debut in the insurance business under the able management of the following charter officials: Bro. Roman Mabanta, Sr.-Trustee/President; Bro. Alejandro D. Tanabe-Trustee/Vice President, Bro. Carlos E. Santiago-Trustee/Treasurer, Bro. Hermenegildo B. Reyes-Trustee, and Bro. Basilio King - General Manager, and Bro. Isagani B. Tolentino - Assistant General Manager.Before 1972, when KC Fraternal acquired its own building at the corner of General Luna and Sta. Potenciana Streets in Intramuros, Manila. It had been into two other locations in the same district. At first, it shared the headquarters of Manila Council No. 1000 on Beaterio Street until 1967, after which the DIMSCO Building on Arzobispo Street became KC Fraternal's new base of operations.The blessing of the half-million-peso KC Fraternal edifice located on the corners of General Luna and Sta. Potenciana Streets on December 23, 1972 occasioned its dedication, by the then KC Fraternal President Roman Mabanta, Sr. to the first Philippine Deputy, Rev. Fr. Willmann, to whom was attributed the successful expansion of the Order in the Philippines.

Details about Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Incorporated (KCFAPI)
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Cabra
Michael Cabra currently works for Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Incorporated (KCFAPI).
Michael Cabra's role at Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Incorporated (KCFAPI) is Administrative Manager.
Michael Cabra's email address is ***@kofc.org.ph. To view Michael Cabra's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Michael Cabra works in the Insurance industry.
Michael Cabra's colleagues at Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Incorporated (KCFAPI) are Christopher RPm, Juan Serviento, Jocas Rodriguez, Kathrynne Crisostomo, Pauline Robles, Roberto Osano, Jeffrey Guillermo and others.
Michael Cabra's phone number is
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