We are a superior quality cigar company, cementing the bond between the cigar and golf industries. We produce ultra-premium stogies designated to elevate the enjoyment of your golf game. Intended to be carried in every golf bag as a reward for a celebratory achievement, our stogies bring golfers added relaxation, and perhaps… maybe even a little luck. No matter the skill of the golfer, we have a stogie designated for your taste and game.Whether you enjoy a victory stogie in the clubhouse at the end of a low round, made birdie putt, or even to help you to relax and simply enjoy being outdoors; make sure you never approach the first tee again without one of our beautifully hand-crafted cigars in your bag. While cigars are still smoked in celebration of an achievement or occasion, some smoke them just as often to unwind and relax. There's nothing more satisfying than an afternoon or evening smoke while you're outside enjoying a little fresh air and freedom. Sometimes the simple everyday moments can feel just as important as a special occasion. Let's be honest – if you love cigars, you can smoke our stogies just because you want to, and that's as good of a reason as any… no occasion needed!Join us in bringing the casual stogie back to the game of golf,- The Greenside Cigar Company, originators of the Birdie™ Stogie.